Internal transit

Internal transit refers to the transportation of non-cleared goods from one authorized customs house to another, for example, transporting goods from a border customs house in Iran to the customs house in Tehran.
Transit of goods or transit by road is one of the most sensitive and delicate types of cargo transport in the transportation sector. In most cases, transit transportation is carried out in a combined manner, and it exhibits greater sensitivity compared to other types of transport.

Nilgon Group, equipped with an international transportation company and an extensive network of active branches and representatives at entry and exit points of the country, along with foreign agencies in sending and receiving countries, provides maximum positive solutions to expedite the speed, security of goods, and ultimately ensure peace of mind for traders and businessmen.
It should be noted that, given the active presence of various forwarding and courier sectors (including ground, sea, rail, and air), Nilgon Group provides customers with the opportunity to easily entrust all aspects of their cargo transportation operations to us. Customers can confidently hand over their shipments to us, ensuring peace of mind knowing that their goods will be handled correctly and securely.

If the movement of goods occurs between two customs offices within the same country due to customs procedures, it is referred to as domestic transit. Domestic transit or land transit, which is carried out by ground transportation, involves first loading the cargo at one customs office and then unloading it at another customs office.

1- In domestic transit of goods or land transit, at the customs of the origin, the goods intended for transit are initially inspected. This inspection is conducted to ensure that the shipped goods match what has been declared previously and that nothing additional has been added to them beyond the declared items. If discrepancies are found, the goods in question are considered contraband.

2- The transited goods must reach their destination within the specified timeframe. If the transited goods do not enter the customs of the destination within the specified timeframe, they are considered contraband. However, if the goods are involved in an accident or incident during transit, they can be cleared with a penalty from the law enforcement authorities within a maximum of 5 days from the date specified in the permit.

Internal Transit

When goods are present at one customs office in a country, but the clearance procedures must be conducted at another customs office within the same country, the goods are sent to the second customs office. This movement of goods between two customs offices within a country is referred to as domestic transit.